This young family with two energetic boys was busting out of their small two bedroom apartment. When the next door unit became available they snatched it up.
The almost mirror image units needed an overhaul; the newly purchased unit was in estate condition and the boys needed space.
We had the good fortune that the living rooms backed up with shared fireplaces. This allowed for the creation of an open and flowing living area centered around a fireplace on one side and the family's entertainment center on the other. This condition facilitated the phasing, allowing the family to live where they were until the renovation with the new kitchen was completed.
This young family with two energetic boys was busting out of their small two bedroom apartment. When the next door unit became available they snatched it up.
The almost mirror image units needed an overhaul; the newly purchased unit was in estate condition and the boys needed space.
We had the good fortune that the living rooms backed up with shared fireplaces. This allowed for the creation of an open and flowing living area centered around a fireplace on one side and the family's entertainment center on the other. This condition facilitated the phasing, allowing the family to live where they were until the renovation with the new kitchen was completed.